I love you so so so so so much!!!

00 years 00 days





I was playing Valorant and I ended up in a queue with a funny (but loud) girl, some absolute SIMP, and some cracked out kid. The SIMPLORD was hitting on me cause I'm a girl (eyeroll) and because of his top tier simpery I ended up queueing with the group. The cracked out kid was egging the simp on and the only reason I joined and stayed was cause of the other girl. So I ended up joining their discord server and became all of their BFFs. The simp and I were still in contact and he jokingly(?) flirted with me n stuff but tbh I was never interested in him (sorry not sorry if ur reading this LOL, hopefully not).


Our first conversation took place in the middle of February. He had randomly messaged me and we just kept talking from there. Except for the time I accidentally left him on read for 2 days before realizing, he was in fact, left on read. We mainly just sent memes and stuff.


The Great Cock and Ball War. Dylan and I had sent back and forth "My [adjective] balls" and "My [adjective] cock". For. Almost. 3. Hours. 3. Hours. Of sending adjectives. Dylan had been begging to stop for the better half of it because I had a presentation the morning after. One of the greatest jokes of All Time. I lost.


The girl I queued with in Valorant originally and I were basically besties so I had messaged her something Dylan had sent me and she ABSOLUTELY snitched on him. "I THANK THAT I SHOULD LEAVE YOU TO THAT CUS I THANK HE GOTS A LIL SUM GOING ON WITH U SOOOOOO 🙏" Not the last time either. Oh no. Dylan had kept saying "My balls" in response to basically everything so one of his friends, who was also friends with the girl, and informed by the girl that Dylan had a lil bit of a crush on me, told Dylan that I'll take him on an edate if he stopped.


Before we started dating, I had asked him if he wanted to get married. I sort of joked about it being a platonic marriage cause I was nervous about him turning down anything more than that, despite already having practical confirmation from some snitch, so I phrased it weirdly. We've been happily married since though.


For a little while my boyfriend had wanted a skin in some game that we both played and had been trying to get it for ages. I offered to buy it and, guess what, he got the skin in his shop April 5th. I'm not exactly sure how that pushed him but he ended up confessing then. <3
